Monday, February 27, 2012


Emphasis is applied to individual parts such as a word or phrase by changing its appearance, making it stand out. Sometimes considered a principle of design on its own, emphasis can be created using all of the various elements and principles of design.
Balance is one of the important points the success of a design. Balance in graphic design can be achieved by adjusting the visual weight of each element, both in terms of scale, color, contrast, etc. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Space an Elaborate Illusion

The Principle shows that space isn’t what it appears to be. I don’t mean outer space, the realm of astronauts and asteroids, but the space all around us, the space in our suitcases , the car, and bed room more like dorm room, (lol) the space that separates lovers when they part. Space can play tricks on us, it can seem to have plenty of room to hold stuff, but yet it doesn’t. The Holographic Principle is one of several clues suggesting that the concept of “space” is an elaborate illusion—or, to be more precise, that it emerges from a deeper spaceless reality, much as living organisms emerge from inanimate matter.