Thursday, January 12, 2012

About me,and why I'm in graphics design.

Hi, my names is Skai, Im from Newport beach California. Yes I know, why i'am I here in this cold snowing weather, while I could be back home surfing the waves. Well I was attending USC, and I decided I wanted to become a 3D animator so I can be in the movie industry. Well as I gotten all my gen ed classes, almost taken care of, there was this one class I had to take which was on a waiting period for a year and half. I didn't want to wait that long so I started looking for scholarship to what ever school would take me and U of I was one of them so long story short. I took it, two years of free schooling! I just finished my class courses I had to take at the U of I, and now finishing the rest here at Parkland, because it has one of the best animation/computer science programs. So here I'am learning new things about graphics and design because it is a required class to my computer science major. And because graphics and design is one of the key elements to becoming a great animator in the movie industry field.

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