Friday, January 27, 2012

Winter yummys.

This week has been really cold and wet, don't get me wrong i'd rather have rain then snow (hehe) anyways I was thinking what would be the best recipe that represents winter food in Japan.  Although there are regional favorites in each area of Japan, I grew up in Okinawa but had this yummy dish in Tokyo area and what I came up with is Oden.
If you are familiar with Japanese drama or Anime, you have probably seen a scene of salarymen eating Oden and drinking sake at a food stand at night with their coworkers.  It has been known as a food stall dish during the night time for relaxing after a day of working.  Fortunately this dish can also be enjoyed at home and you can get them at stores Like 7-Eleven, or your local market, well I can get them in Cali cause we have a 7-eleven not sure if we have one here but anyways anyplace that have verity of foods..etc.
I am not sure what’s the right translation for this recipe but Oden is a one pot dish, which is a little bit different from stew or hot pot.  It’s more like simmered dish: assorted fish balls, fish cakes, atsuage (deep fried tofu), hard-boiled eggs, konnyaku and some vegetables are simmered in soy sauce based broth.  I usually make Oden a day before so that all the ingredients will absorb good Oden broth and it tastes much better the following day.  At my place I usually serve with Onigiri (rice ball).  The color seems boring because of mainly brown color, but the flavor is amazing and exquisite.  To me its a great winter comfort dish. Whats your favorite winter dish?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

NYE Resolution at your local gym.

Now as you all know people get way to excited about NYE, but when it come to there New years resolution they get excited but then it fades away? Don't get me wrong I totally understand some can do it and some can't, See I work out almost every day at my local gym, and I  have been going here for 3yrs now, on some days the gym is empty, some days are full but never packed, and you know almost everyone at the gym cause they been going there for awhile. But one day as I was on the treadmill, my friend saw me and we got the talking about how the gym is way to packed. So he was saying that its the new years resolution bug, once they take there meds they will go back on being the same person as they were. When he says meds his talking about there same routine, eating to much, or doing the same thing over and over, (lol). Then the gym will be back to normal after the end of January, as I was running I look back and think, it is true, every end of January it goes back being the same, and  I don't see them anymore, or I will see them once in awhile.  I kinda wonder why they go through that, I mean it has to be expensive doing that if they don't go as much as they need to. HUH?..

Thursday, January 12, 2012

About me,and why I'm in graphics design.

Hi, my names is Skai, Im from Newport beach California. Yes I know, why i'am I here in this cold snowing weather, while I could be back home surfing the waves. Well I was attending USC, and I decided I wanted to become a 3D animator so I can be in the movie industry. Well as I gotten all my gen ed classes, almost taken care of, there was this one class I had to take which was on a waiting period for a year and half. I didn't want to wait that long so I started looking for scholarship to what ever school would take me and U of I was one of them so long story short. I took it, two years of free schooling! I just finished my class courses I had to take at the U of I, and now finishing the rest here at Parkland, because it has one of the best animation/computer science programs. So here I'am learning new things about graphics and design because it is a required class to my computer science major. And because graphics and design is one of the key elements to becoming a great animator in the movie industry field.